Tout est bon pour illuminer son quotidien. Alors que de plus en plus d'Américains restent confinés chez eux en raison de l'épidémie de Covid-19, certains d'entre eux ont décidé de ressortir du garage leurs décorations de Noël et de les raccrocher à l'extérieur de leur domicile.
Etrange en plein mois de mars. Pourtant, leur but est d'illuminer et d'égayer leur morne quotidien.
Au-delà de l'aspect festif, ces décorations hors du temps permettent également d'occuper les enfants pendant quelques heures puisqu'ils partent à la recherche des meilleures maisons illuminées de leur quartier.
Une idée à développer en France ?
World getting you down? We are so lazy that we never took down our Christmas lights. So, we turned them back on! #behappy #COVID19
— April Watkins (@apernywatkins) March 18, 2020
We will be putting up our Christmas lights up tomorrow on our home to try to keep the joy in all of our hearts and throughout the world. We saw this idea on a site taking place in other areas around the globe so...let’s do it! Spread the love! #weareallinthistogether
— Carrie Peck (@cpeckmath) March 18, 2020
Last night we switched our Christmas lights back on. I intend to #sharesomelight every evening until we are out of this darkness (or until my husband shouts at me) to say thank you to everyone who’s keeping the country going #COVID2019 .
— Nic Jones (@nicjones120) March 18, 2020
There are dark times ahead, but I can still put love & light out into the world.
Some folks have mentioned putting up Christmas lights to cheer up people in quarantine, in isolation, or just to remind the world there’s still light & hope. Here’s my contribution#LightsForLife— Sarah Bang (@DrBang_Wx) March 18, 2020
Watson Louisiana on board! I put this up around 1 am CST after reading your tweet in an article. I shared it on tons of community group pages and even more people are on board! Tomorrow we’ll string up our other lights! this!
— Amanda Boudreaux (@Aboudreaux13) March 18, 2020